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A Brand Mark For Credit Unions
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The purpose of the Brand Mark is to sell the core purposes, use of and trust that all consumers can place in a credit union and it would appear on all publications issued by a credit union

The intentions of the Brand Managers (the ICULD&E Co. Ltd.) and conditions of use by subscribers are set out in the document “Credit Union Brand Mark – Terms and Conditions”.

There are, it is believed, up to eight credit union organisations in the UK as well as over 30 independent credit unions, some very large and successful indeed. However, unlike the USA, there is no UK generic credit union “Brand Mark”.

Ideas for establishing a recognisable Credit Union Brand for the UK are set out here. This Brand Mark can be used by all credit unions that qualify to use it in addition to their current local or regional image.

  1. The Brand Mark needs to describe in plain language “what’s in the credit union tin”, explaining clearly in simple language the functions of a credit union, as these do not appear to be widely known or recognised in the UK.
  2. This needs to be recognisable to all consumers, potential ones and the media.
  3. Qualification for use of the Brand Mark must not be too complicated nor intrude into the affairs of a credit union, yet conditions of use must be robust enough to maintain its reputation.

The intentions of the ICULD&E Company (as the Brand Managers) are:-

  1. To establish the Brand image, publishing details and conditions attached to its use, as set out in detail on this website.  All associational bodies, individual credit unions and the media will be notified of this.
  2. To supply national media outlets with general information about the credit union industry and news releases of credit union activity, provided by subscribing credit unions to the Brand Managers, i.e. newsworthy texts and photographs for three valid reasons:-
  • so the quality of all news releases is in a standard format;
  • because news released by an unbiased third party carries more weight than if done by the credit union itself, and
  • to protect the Brand Mark franchise for all its users from abuse.
  1. A list of subscribing Brand users will be held on the ICULD&E Company website, open to view by the Regulators, consumers and potential ones, clarifying that this list is for “information only” and not an endorsement of any credit union or recommendation in any way, similar to that held by the Bank of England on all authorised deposit takers.
  2. This list will be revised constantly, adding new subscribers as they qualify and removing those whose use of the Brand Mark has been withdrawn; of course reasons for any withdrawal would not be quoted.
  3. Consent to use the Brand Mark is granted for a two year period for a fee of £250, with payment by cheque or bank transfer to ICULD&E Co. Ltd. (bank details on request) from the date of issue.


Full details of "Credit Union Brand Mark - Terms and Conditionscan be found here.


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